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Mystery Science Theater 3000 is, to me, the greatest TV show of all time, bar none. The Wire ? Breaking Bad ? I spit derogatorily at them!...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

1109 - Yongary

Go, Yongary, go!

And I've had the time of my life...
When I was a young Godzilla fan, there weren’t a lot of the Big G’s flicks to go around. Heck, back then in the late 80s, there were only a paltry 16 movies to choose from. I barely needed all my thumbs and toes to count them all! So, I devoured all the giant monster movies I could at any video rental store I could. In the best cases, this lead to the original King Kong, the Gamera series, and Gorgo

In my most desperate searching? It led to movies like Yongary, a South Korean Godzilla knock-off with special effects more apropos of when other movies make fun of old Godzilla movies.  I remember it for having a goofy scene where the titular Yongary dances with a kid to rock n’ roll music on a radio, and the ending where Yongary horribly bleeds to death in a river due to a chemical attack. It has those, plus tons of padding, beyond cheap special effects, some of the worst composite shots you’ve ever seen, more padding, and possibly the most annoying kid ever featured in a giant monster movie.

He just wants Gypsy Danger's attention.
In other words, it could only be more perfect for MST3K if the song Yongary dances to was sung by the kid and there were more nonsensical moments scattered throughout. And Jonah and the Bots have an absolute blast riffing on this movie. They are into it from scene one, and the sense of joy they have at ridiculing this movie only tapers slightly near the end. The movie just gives them a ton to work with. When the movie shows a miniature effects shot of a rocketship launch pad, Tom calls it,  “Shining Time Station’s space industrial complex.” When the camera pans over a typical South Korean street, Crow says, “The DMZ is surprisingly mellow.” When an actor is composited terribly next to a model earthquake scene, Jonah says, “If this wasn’t such a crummy matte shot, I’d be worried for that guy.” And then there’s the fun they have with the movie’s space program, which mainly seems to consist of yelling “Capsule.” Jonah and the Bots practically turn yelling “Capsule!” into a musical number. Or a drinking game.  They make each other laugh a lot in this, and I’m not sure if that’s a sign that all the performers were growing more comfortable in their roles, or if they changed how they recorded and produced it, or what. Doesn’t matter, the results laugh for themselves.

Michael Meyers wasn't this evil as a child.

But the two things they have the most fun with are the movie’s evil monster himself, and Yongary, the giant fire breathing reptile. Yes, the real monster in this movie is Icho. There’s a term called “Kenny” used to describe the annoying kid who befriends the giant monster in movies like these, and Ichio may be the most annoying, evil, repellent Kenny to ever Kenny. He starts the moving using an itch ray to annoy his sister and new brother in law. To repeat, the lil’ bastard starts the moving using an invention made to annoy people to annoy people. Is he present throughout the movie? You bet. Does he jeapordize others to get a peak at the deadly giant mosnters? Of course! The only thing he doesn’t do is boss the adults at military strategy meetings around and come up with a solution. When Icho plays with some toy robots, Jonahs notes, “Soo toy robots and shooting family members with an experimental weapon are equally entertaining to him, Good to know. [under his breath] Psychopath.” When Icho watches Yongary die, he says, “No stop, don’t do it any more,” and Crow adds, “I want to deal the death blow.” Tom practically prays near the end, “Please let this be the scene where Yongary finally kills Icho.” Even Gypsy gets in on the action, saying “Wait, his name is Icho and he makes people itch? Glad his name isn’t ‘Pooh-O’.” It’s fantastic.

Oh, and the more likable monster of the movie gets some jokes, too. “Yongary’s the kinda monster you get at the 99 Cent store,” Crow says. And after a fire breathing rampage, Tom gives out the PSA, “Smokes weed once, destroys city. Don’t be a Yongary.” And, in possibly my favorite reference to a movie reverencing Godzilla, Jonah says he’s, “Just waiting for Pee-Wee Herman to ride through on his bike.” Love it.

Too bad only one of the host segments really rises to match the movie. The skit about thanking the monsters that have impacted them ends way too soon before it can go somewhere, as is the song skit at the end. That said, Jonah’s invention exchange of a tiny desk to topple over in anger at work is a fun idea. And if the worst that happens is they save their A-material for the movie riffs, it’s a minor complaint.

Tiny Desk: Making you feel like a corporate giant.
I was ecstatic to see that Yongary would be covered by the show, and I was not disappointed. With a movie that’s perfect for them, great jokes, and great delivery, it’s a new personal favorite. Now, let’s see them cover the Godzilla ‘98 timed remake, 1999’s Yonggary!

Episode in a Riff:
Y’know, whereas Godzilla was parable for nuclear war, Yongary is a parable for copyright infringement. -Jonah
And nuclear war! -Crow

Random Asides

-North Korea made it’s own Godzilla rip-off called Pulgasari. And by “made’, I mean Kim Jong Il kidnapped a Japanese director and his wife and forced them to make him a Godzilla movie. This is a true story.

-If Godzilla is Coke and Gamera is Pepsi, Yongary isn't even RC Cola, it's one of those store-brand generic sodas you buy to mix really cheap liquor with.

-Other daikaiju flicks I’m still waiting to see on the (now actually named) Mystery Science Theater: Monster from the Prehistoric Planet aka Gappa, The X from Outer Space, and of course, the two original Gamera movies they didn’t cover. A fella can dream….

-“Crow, what did you dream about?”
“Electric sheep, same ol’, same ol’.”

-”Remember when I tasked you to tell me me your innermost hopes and dreams??
I love Kinga and Max.

-Jonah’s tiny desk for toppling is a pretty solid idea. I could see every desk in America having a tinier desk on top. And on top of that, a tinier desk. Ad infinitum.

-“Coffee; workers love it, everybody drinks it, even people who don’t.” Right on, Max..

-”But if there’s one thing the world hates, it’s Hitler.” Aaand swerve!

-I love the line in the Hitler Coffee bit about “Hidden Argentinian bean fields.”

-”It makes Gamera look like a movie...that’s...a billion times better than Gamera.”
-Max, underselling the movie’s quality.

-Okay, were the dub voices for this movie recorded in a room made of hollow wood and metal? I can hear every echo.

-“I just wish I had the opportunity to thank Frankenberry for everything he’s given me.” -Crow

-The Yongary Bar scene idea is just bizarre, a very Tom idea. 

-The end of this movie is so GD weird! It’s a goofy mosnter movie then the monster dances and kinda bonds with the kid, then it dies horribly in a chemical weapon a ttaack, and at a reception for the scientist the kid teases them about not being married, then talks about his bond with Yongary and wishes y hadn’t been killed! WTF!

-“Nice bait n switch movie. Get us to fall in love with him and then pour out  the reddest blood I’ve ever seen!” Tom, I saw this movie when I was under the age of 10, and I still remember that scene. You’ll never unsee it. 

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