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Welcome to Riffzilla A-Go-Go: A Mystery Science Theater 3000 Watching Blog!

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is, to me, the greatest TV show of all time, bar none. The Wire ? Breaking Bad ? I spit derogatorily at them!...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Season 11 Trailer!!!

Here we go! Our first look at Season 11 of MST3k!!!

Where to start? Excitement, fear, slight hunger, mostly excitement. I love the look of the show; still the same old home-made special effects, but with just a little bit more. Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt look to be in fine form as the new mads, and was that Mary Jo Pehl as Pearl? I wish we'd gotten to hear and see more of the new Tom and Crow, as well as some jokes, but I'm too busy being excited that Reptlilcus, one of the most ridiculous Godzilla rip offs ever made, is going to be an episode! I have no idea what the others are, but if they're getting a legendary turkey like Reptilicus on there, I'm more psyched than I already was! What do y'all think?

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