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Welcome to Riffzilla A-Go-Go: A Mystery Science Theater 3000 Watching Blog!

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is, to me, the greatest TV show of all time, bar none. The Wire ? Breaking Bad ? I spit derogatorily at them!...

Saturday, April 15, 2017


 The day has come.
The New Crew

 The impossible happened. I never thought I'd see the day, never believed in my wildest dreams, but WHY ARE YOU READING THIS INSTEAD OF WATCHING MST3K SEASON 11?!?!??!! GO NOW!

I plan to review episode 1, Reptilicus, this weekend. But first, I'm gonna watch it as a fan. I want to take my time to just adjust to and enjoy the new MST before I try to analyze or criticize it. Maybe I'll offer brief observations before I get in depth. We'll see.  Besides, I have 2 reviews for older episodes almost ready. So, we'll see what happens. Either way, quit reading and go watch!

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